4D Source Code Library Features
DOCC is a 4D Source Code Library designed
to bring robust turn-key document management capabilities to your 4D Server
1) The DOCC Document repository is maintained outside of the 4D database. This is a major advantage if you have a large document/image management requirement. Maintaining numerous large blobs in a 4D data file would quickly cause it to grow to an unmanageable size. Furthermore, although I have not benchmarked this, there is a definite performance advantage to keeping the document files outside the 4D data file. This would become especially appreciable as the size/number of documents that you are storing grows. Also, there is an advantage if a web deployment of the documents/images was implemented by using the 4D web server or a third-party web server, since the external web server could access the documents/images natively via the computer’s file system. DOCC can also be configured to place the document repository on the server computer wherever you wish or on another network volume. You can configure repositories on a by user, by subject or other basis.
2) DOCC breaks the transported document into smaller sized chunks of data for transport to and from the 4D Server computer. This chunk approach means that the maximum document size is increased dramatically beyond the limits of 4D’s client-server protocol timeout limits etc. The chunk size is definable by the developer in the DOCC_INIT routines.
3) Fully 'pointerized' code design. DOCC’s low level commands (DOCC_) need no developer work. DOCC’s high level commands (DLIB_) are developer methods that you will edit to integrate DOCC into your application.
4) Quick Installation. Your application can be upgraded to offer robust document management in less than 1 hour
5) DOCC uses an alpha key field in the [DOCC_Document] table, but you can refer to either numeric or alpha fields as the index key field in your document target tables so no changes need to be made to your existing tables to deploy DOCC.
6) DOCC supports document management in an unlimited number of your database tables. It’s modular design allows you to deploy document management functions in several tables in either single document per record mode or multi-document per record mode.
7) DOCC has a built-in document browser screen that lets you browse all documents across all tables in your database.
8) DOCC captures all technical information about the document. Creator type, Date, Time, etc. See figures below for further details.
9) DOCC supports inclusion of enhanced information such as document description, keywords, etc. See figures below for further details.
10) DOCC is sold as a non-transferable 4D Source Code Library. The delivery includes a full installation manual, a sample database, and a 4D Insider library file. Please specify your platform of choice when ordering.
11) DOCC does not require any plug-ins. AP Sublaunch and AP ShellExecute can be used to optionally view stored documents.
12) Supports Macintosh resource fork, even in a Windows 4D Server implementation.
A Developer Licence is a prerequisite before purchasing a Deployment Licence.
Please refer all questions/comments/requests to Nufocus Inc. at
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