PARS Reporter - Data Output Samples:


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All Project Activities can be printed at any time to capture a hard-copy of the activity for filing or distribution. All numeric and textual data is printed in a clean easy-to-read format.

Sample Project Activity Printout

A listing of all Partners and their relationship to all your Project Activities can be created from the Partners screen in PARS Reporter.

Sample Partner Listing

The built-in Excel export function of the Standard version (or above) of PARS Reporter generates a powerful data analysis spreadsheet listing all project activities in PARS Reporter that is specifically designed to allow users to quickly perform auto-filtering of the data by programme, partner, ODA, or other desired characteristic.

This exports deliver a full dataset so that data analysis can be performed by all columns of data: Project count by Partner and Country, Total Disbursements by Partner, Sector, CIDA Cash by Theme, etc., etc.

Note the small drop down icons in the Excel form when viewed. These can be used to create sub selections of the data listed.

Sample Excel Export


The data export capability of the Platinum version of PARS Reporter includes an Excel export routine that can quickly be transformed into 3D charts and pivot tables in less than 2 minutes.

These exports deliver full datasets so that data analysis can be performed by all parameters: Project count by Partner and country, Total Disbursements by ODA and Partner, etc., etc.

These exports allow you to create custom pivot charts for your own use, and these charts can be published for web, electronic or hard-copy distribution.

View Sample Pivot Chart

View Sample Pivot Table

Other user generated ad hoc reports can be created and saved as templates for future use. These ad hoc reports can be generated as print jobs, ascii text files or Excel format text files.

PARS Reporter in client-server mode supports an ODBC connection, so industry standard data access and reporting tools such as Crystal Reports can be used to interface with PARS Reporter.

Nufocus Inc. has implemented complex web interfaces and other PARS-related implementations within our customer's existing business systems. Project tracking and reporting web sites and automated web job application forms are just some of the further enhancements that other organisations have implemented.

Nufocus Inc. is a custom software development house. Any report formats that your organisation would like to add to PARS Reporter can be requested and included at reasonable cost.