Latest News:
- Nufocus provides optical components consulting related to laser welding research by a major Australian university.
- Provision of a specialised protective housing was delivered to a major Korean tube manufacturer.
- Investigation into high speed camera solution for metal industry process monitoring applicaton.
- An image trigger and sychronisation solution was provided to a major research entity.
- SWIR thermal cameras provided for weld and additive manufacturing research/process monitoring in Korea and Japan.
- Specialty solutions for CMOS camera integration for metal industry applications. Installation at Middle Eastern tube manufacturer producing critical tube products for aerospace use.
- Nufocus Inc. deploys newsletter e-commerce facilitation to NA-Marketletter, one of Canada's foremost technical analysis market research organizations.
- The Canadian Diabetes Association
deploys Research Grant
Central for their national research department management requirements.
Research Grant Central (RGC) delivers peer review expertise optimisation and
tracking, automated e-mails to prospective reviewers, grant monitoring, financial
tracking and much more to the Research Department of this large medical research
oriented agency.
- Nufocus delivers software subscription management services to software developers via IPNAbler, a new software activation code generation, PayPal subscription management and Credit Card processing interface.
Now custom software developers can easily deliver their software to customers on a monthly, quarterly or annual subscription basis. Software subscriptions are becoming more popular
with both developers and purchasers. Nufocus Inc. offers a comprehensive solution supporting trial periods, cancellation, multi-product/multi-pricing regimes, plus monthly reports and live web monitoring of purchases.
IPNAbler is presently in commercial use by Recognia Inc. - the leader in equity price pattern recognition services.
- Commercial release of Wings 4.0 is announced by Steven Furino and Nufocus Inc. Wings has been a popular Mac
birders software package for years. And with the help of Nufocus Inc., it is now available on Windows.
- Nufocus Inc. announces the release of SPChk,
a 4D component/Plug-in combo that delivers spell-checking capabilities to
4D applications for over 20 languages.
- Version 2.0.6 of PARS Reporter and PARS Reporter Lite is
released. Key feature enhancements include new quick website launch buttons
on the Welcome screen to quickly take users to the PARS On-line Manual and
also to this website for latest news or CIDA upload. A new feature has also
been added to the Platinum version of PARS Reporter. This feature allows you
to generate Microsoft Word documents that contain all the commentary information
for all activities in a Program (or all Programs). These commentary documents
can be categorised by Country, Partner, ODA or Sector. Commentary text options
include Activity Description, Activity Comment and Activity Internal Comment
fields. Click here for info.
- Nufocus Inc. announces the release of TENG
PDF, the latest addition to the TENG 4D component library designed to
enhance reporting capabilities within 4D applications.
- The Heart and Stroke
Foundation of Canada (HSFC) begins importing XML data from the Common
CV database initiative into their Research Grant management database written
in 4D. HSFC's 'Grant Research Central' is a client-server database that has
been in place for over a decade providing grant reviewer usage optimisation,
grant tracking, and complex expertise tracking. HSFC is the first of Canada's
medical research agencies to be ready for the Common CV initiative. Nufocus
Inc. wrote a complete library of XML import/export code for optimized XML
data manipulation.
- Nufocus Inc. announces the release of TENG
and DOCC, 4D components
for enhancing reporting and document management within 4D applications.
- Nufocus Inc. supplies enhancement development services
to the Canadan Nuclear Safety Commission's SIRUS project tracking system.
- 4D Inc. announces the release of 4D Business Kit,
a full-featured e-commerce deployment toolset built entirely with 4th Dimension.
- Nufocus Inc. delivers a major new release of the Gateway
Enterprise Management Tool to C-MAC UK. New
web interface capabilities dramatically improve Gateway's project planning/tracking,
contract tracking and resource optimisation usability for this large telecom
- 4D Inc. releases 4D Portal v1. Change the way you
work. 4D Portal gives you applications, communities, and content management
in one complete tool.
- Nufocus Inc. delivers a custom version of PARS Reporter
to ADRA Canada to allow this Canadian NGO
to institute improved project management processes and fast and accurate interfacing
with constituents and funding agencies.
- Nufocus Inc. is awarded a long-term contract to provide
consulting and programming services to Pelican Engineering.
- CUSO releases a new web site featuring several Nufocus
Inc. designed dynamic HTML pages that provide real time access to their cooperant
programming database.
- Nufocus announces version 2.0 of PARS Reporter, the
popular project monitoring and reporting software used by Canadian NGO's reporting
to CIDA's Partnership Branch. Learn more...
- PARS Reporter Platinum, an enhanced version of the
popular project monitoring and reporting software is released. A key feature
is the ability to generate complex pivot tables directly from the project
database. Learn more...
- 4D Embedded Database Cost of Ownership Study. This
report conducted by the Aberdeen Group examines the cost of ownership of 4D
version 6.7 when compared to the embedded database industry average.
- PARS Reporter RBM, the anxiously awaited Results Based
Management version of the popular CIDA project monitoring and reporting software
is released by Nufocus Inc. Learn more...
- The Heart and
Stroke Foundation Research Database undergoes a major upgrade as new financial
tracking/monitoring features are implemented by Nufocus Inc. The HSFC Research
Database is a 4D database that has been providing complex search and management
functions to the HSFC since 1991.
- 4D Inc. releases a comparison of 4D, MS Access, and
FileMaker Pro, that provides a comprehensive look at the various features
of these development environments.
- Nufocus Inc. delivers a major upgrade release of Qaujisaut,
the site-based management software package designed for school boards. In
use for over 25 years, Qaujisaut is a major success for zero-admin database