GanttProject Integrator - Reference Notes:

GanttProject Integrator is a software application that is designed to allow easy control of multiple GanttProject files in a corporate environment. Import, Export, Merging and Cloning can all be performed from a simple list screen.

If you are using GanttProject in a corporate environment, you more than likely are managing several GanttProject files with shared resources. Or several sub-projects are operating within the scope of a larger project. GanttProject Integrator is an easy-to-use tool designed to manage those multiple GanttProject files. With the click of a button you can generate a departmental super-project that amalgamates multiple GanttProject files.

Our goal is to provide an easy-to-use environment to enhance the present functionality of GanttProject.

Present functionality:

Ideas for future development include:

GanttProject Integrator (GPI) is available on a 60 day free trial basis at present for Windows and Mac OS X. After 60 days you will be required to purchase a subscription. See the Purchase link below for pricing information. There are no plans for a Linux version as the development tool used to create GPI does not support Linux.


The latest version downloads are available here. This free trial version will run for 60 days after initial download.

This version of GanttProject Integrator is compatible with GanttProject 2.0.6 and above.


Click here to purchase a GPI subscription.


Release Notes are available here.

On-line manual is available here.


Many thanks to the GanttProject development team at for bringing us GanttProject.

If you have questions or comments about GanttProject Integrator, contact Nufocus