Reporter - CIDA Upload Site provides you with easy access to the
ftp site maintained by CIDA for PARS Submissions. Just click on the
CIDA Upload Site link on the right and then enter the required
password. Once connected, just drag and drop your PARSxxxxxxx_xxxxxxxxx.DAT
file icon from your computer's folder window onto the empty web browser
Note: Certain users have reported that they receive a "The
page can not be displayed" error when clicking the CIDA
Upload Site link. If you experience this behaviour, click on your Refresh
or Reload button on your browser application (or use the View...
Refresh menu item) to force a reset of the connection.
Be prepared
to enter your PARS CIDA Upload Site Password. This password is
in your CIDA PARS documentation or contact CIDA
for information. You may also be required to enter the PARS CIDA Upload
Site Username. This is also in your CIDA PARS documentation.
Note also
that because the ftp site is configured to not display the contents
of the drop folder for security and privacy reasons, you may not
see your uploaded file appear in the empty browser window once the transfer
is successfully completed.